QUICK Update status:  7 Books done, 10 scanned out of 40.
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    This site is best viewed at 800 x 600 resolution and with Netscape Communicator, it's also a good idea to have 16bit color!  If ya don't have any of this, it'll still work, just impaired.  And if ya just don't like these conditions at all, then don't look at it, go away now, shoo!!
    Visitors since 1/28/99

Welcome to Maxx Online!  What is the Maxx Online! you ask?  Well ya know whenever ya read a Maxx issues and your afraid of deterioration and ya don't wanna read it again, but later on you read it anyways coz the story is SO IRRISISTABLE.  Then eventually after reading them SO many times your book falls apart.  This page is here to remidy that.  I have taken the liberty and the many hours of scanning and encoding these into an Executable format, so I never have to open the book again, just read it online.  All this stuff is free!   (I think the braincell loss was worth it)
Zillions upon Zillions of thanks go to my good buddy Serpere, for without his scanner I could never do this as quick as I am now.  Ten Times as many thanks goto SAM KIETH,  for without his Genious none of this would be possible.
There is a small disclaimer you MUST read before you download anything from my site or even link it to your site, its at the bottom of this page.  As much as I hate reading them myself, imagine typing up one.
Not everything is complete just yet, but for a weeks worth of work, having 5 books scanned end 4 encoded isn't bad at all.


          Maxx #1 
         Status:   Complete 
          Download Here 
          3.13 MB 

          Maxx #2 
         Status:   Complete 
          Download Here 
          2.75 MB 

          Maxx #3 
         Status:    Complete 
          Download Here 
          2.63 MB 

          Maxx #4 
         Status:   Complete 
          Download Here 
          2.53 MB 
          Maxx #5 
         Status:   Complete 
          Download Here 
          2.84 MB 
          Maxx #6 
         Status:   Complete 
          Download Here 
          2.75 MB 
          Maxx #7 
         Status:   Workin on it
          Maxx #8 
         Status:   Workin on it
          Maxx #9 
         Status:   Workin on it
DISCLAIMER:   This site has no intention of degrading, demoralizing or discrediting the Comics featured  here, its artists, or even the network/s where they are shown. The contents in this site are provided free of charge, and on an "as is" basis.  The creator takes no responsibility for what these programs might do to your PC, They are however Virus free at the time of upload, and tested on 3 other machines, with numerous bug fixes.  Upon download of ANY of thes issues you agree that you already have the issue at any given time, you also agree not to distribute to anyone.  All image scans are property of Sam Kieth and are TM  and Copyrighted by him.  Upon following, or linking to any of the hyperlinks above,  the user agrees to these terms and regulations.